Below, you will find videos and printable workout log sheets for the physique training program I’ll be following for the next 4 weeks.
It’s a 5 day body part split designed to sculpt aesthetic muscle. This workout program utilizes the same principles I apply to all of my Metabolic Masterpiece body sculpting workouts.
1) Includes a synergistic combination of strength and hypertrophy through multiple training protocol.
2) Targets the muscles from a variety of angles and optimizes muscle potential through various grips and stances.
3) Designed to sculpt an aesthetic ‘look’ with symmetry and proportion.
Important Background Info
First of all… Body Part Split Routines should only be followed by advanced Physique Artists who have already built a solid foundation through Full Body workouts and Upper/Lower Split routines.
Once you have some experience under your belt and you’ve gained a strong base of muscle mass… body part splits can become a very useful tool for sculpting the finer details of your physique by tapping into some rarely stressed muscle fibers.
Body Part Split Routines provide you with the opportunity to jack-up the volume at which you work a target muscle group.
When you are focusing on a single muscle group once every 5-7 days, you can increase the number of exercises and sets you perform for each muscle group… which provides you with a greater opportunity to target each muscle from a variety of angles, utilize a variety of grips, and use multiple stance variations. (As you will see evident in the Physique Training workout below.
NOTE: A word of advice…DO NOT mistake ‘ADVANCED workout split’ as the ‘BEST workout split’.

Vary The Frequency You Train a Muscle
Three years ago 90% of my training was focused on Body Part Split Routines… targeting each muscle group once every 5-7 days.
As an advanced lifter with over 20 years experience under my belt… it was obvious that my results were pretty freak’n AWESOME on this split.
But as my esteemed colleague Brad Schoenfeld would say, “Yes your results are great, but could they have been better if you did something different?”
This is such sound advice. Too often we take our own personal philosophies as gospel… as the ONLY way… simply because we have experienced great results from it.
But is it the ‘BEST’ way? Could there have been a better way?
This mindset opens your thought process. It allows you to explore other methods with great excitement and enthusiasm. It’s this kind of mindset that helps you break through plateaus. It’s this type of mindset that brings joy to your journey of self-discovery.
So… heeding this advice I decided to vary my training frequency. Although performing 3 Full Body workouts every 6-7 days is often advice given to beginner level trainees… I still experienced some good results from it… probably because it was such a change from what I was used to.
Throughout my self-experimentation I have discovered that my body responds best to a frequency that targets each muscle group twice per week. The first time is typically a strength based workout, focused on lower reps and heavier weight, with a bit more rest between sets. The second time is hypertrophy focused… utilizing the mid to high rep ranges with moderate weight and shortened rest periods.
Yet, although I have found my body responds best to this training frequency… it’s only effective for so long before I have to modify the frequency to either a Body Part Split or a Full Body Routine.
Here’s how my yearly plan may look throughout the year…
Muscle Training Frequency:
1x per week = 25% of the year
2x per week = 60% of the year
3x per week = 15% of the year
Why I’m Following a Body Part Split This Month
I’ve been hitting my body pretty hard lately with a frequency of 2 times per week. It’s been going VERY well.
It was time to change things up and follow a Body Part Split… but I wanted to ease off on the volume a bit, because I’m planning to really crank up my training next month.
So, with a Body Part Split my muscles have more time to recover… and I’m not annihilating them each workout with super-high volume… Although the volume is indeed more than sufficient to carve out some detailed aesthetic muscle.
Alright… that’s enough background info. Time to carve out some aesthetic muscle…
Aesthetic Muscle 5 Day Body Part Split Workout Routine
Download the pdf printable workout log book here ==> Aesthetic Muscle workout sheets
Note: Average workout time is 45 minutes.
Workout #1: Chest
Workout #2: Back
Workout #3: Legs
I typically prefer to include Squats and Deadlifts in my workout programs… but I’ve been hitting them really hard for the past few months, so I decided to give my body a break from them this month.
Workout #4: Shoulders
Workout #5: Arms
I’ve been training my abs 4-5 days per week lately. Here’s some of my favorite routines…
I’ve been training my calves 5 days per week lately. It’s my most stubborn muscle group, but the extra effort and dedication has been paying off.
If you have been genetically blessed with great calves you can get away with very little calve focused training.
If you have found the advice presented in this article to be of great use, I would sincerely appreciate it if you shared it with a fellow Physique Artist whom could benefit from it as well.
I can’t wait to hear about your experience with the Aesthetic Muscle 5 Day Body Part Split Workout Routine… and look forward to seeing your results.
Thank you for being such a loyal and valued fan of the Metabolic Masterpiece blog.
Sculpt a Masterpiece,
Scott Tousignant
About The Author
Scott Tousignant, BHK is a Certified Fitness Consultant and Elite Natural Bodybuilder with the UFE.
Scott specializes in helping regular men and women sculpt their body into a chiseled work of art. Viewing training as an art form and your body as a sculpture is a simple shift in mindset that brings out the beauty in your ongoing body transformation.
The art of molding and chiseling an aesthetically pleasing physique with ideal proportions, spectacular symmetry, and magnificent detail is one of life’s most rewarding and fulfilling experiences. It’s an opportunity for self growth and self discovery that will impact every area of your life.
Learn more about Scott’s physique-focused training programs:
Get a taste of Scott’s hardcore physique training programs with Physique Phreak
When Scott needs to urgently strip away stubborn sacks of fat for a photo shoot or bodybuilding contest, he turns to his time-tested proven system… Elite Physique system.