Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle authored by fat loss guru Tom Venuto is due to hit bookstores on December 10th, 2013. When it hits the shelves it’s going to be a complete game changer in the diet and fitness industry.
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle is very unique from the trendy fad diet books that come and go. Frankly, many of those fad diet books belong in the fictional or humor sections of the bookstore.
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle truly is a long-term lifestyle plan. In fact it’s been my lifestyle plan for the past 10 years.
I began using Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle to help me lose the first 30 pounds of fat that was hanging on my love handles and covering up my abs.
I quickly became hooked on the lifestyle. Tom’s honest, no B.S. approach really resonated with me.
After maintaining my fat loss results for several years I decided to take it to the next level. I applied the principles in Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle to help me get ripped and shredded for multiple photo shoots and my very first physique competition.
During this time I also got to witness first hand… thousands of men and women… regular folks just like you and I… completely transform their body and life by following the Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Plan.
This truly is one of those MUST HAVE books that belongs in your fitness library.
![Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle](https://metabolicmasterpiece.com/blog/uploaded/burn-the-fat-feed-the-muscle-book-review.png)
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle is so much more than a weight loss book. It’s based on time tested and proven nutrition science, but it also includes a brilliant chapter on mindset, a fantastic cardio prescription, and one hell of a workout program.
The book begins with Tom’s story of how he went from struggling with excess fat, earning the nickname of Bob’s Big Boy… to becoming a bodybuilding champion… respected fitness authority, and being praised by Oprah in her O magazine.
You’ll then discover the philosophies that Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle are based on. The details about what makes it so unique compared to the trendy fad diet books. Why other diets fail… and why Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle won’t.
One of the things that makes Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle unique… is that you can personalize it to your body type and lifestyle. It’s definitely not a cookie cutter diet.
…and if your lifestyle anything like mine… including photo shoots and physique competitions, you’ll really dig the advanced plateau busting techniques toward the end of the book.
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle and it’s author Tom Venuto, have had a tremendous influence on me personally, as well as my work in the fitness industry.
You’ll be hard pressed to find a more genuine person who sincerely cares about your success than Tom Venuto. Your physique is definitely in good hands with Tom and the Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle plan.
Do yourself a huge favor and scoop up your copy today! You can pre-order your copy by visiting the Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle website.
NOTE: For the thousands upon thousands of people who have experienced tremendous success by following the previous ebook version of Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle… I highly recommend you scoop up a copy of this new hard copy version.
There is a great deal of new material in the hard copy version… and I found it much easier to read. The layout flows smoothly as it’s very well pieced together. You’ll LOVE it!
Sculpt a Masterpiece,
Scott Tousignant
PS If you’ve had success with the Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle plan, I’d love to hear about it in the comment section below.
About The Author
Scott Tousignant is a Certified Fitness Consultant and Elite Natural Bodybuilder with the UFE.
Scott specializes in helping regular guys get ripped abs insanely fast. With his careful attention to the finer details, you'll carve out a rock hard and jacked physique in no time flat!
When Scott needs to urgently strip away stubborn sacks of fat for a photo shoot or bodybuilding contest, he turns to his time-tested proven system… Elite Physique.
Now you too, can follow his easy-to-follow system to finally uncover your ripped abs and chiseled body! Get the full details by visiting Elite Physique today!