I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately… about why it’s been so much easier for me to burn fat during this cutting phase compared to previous experiences… even though I’m eating more calories this time around and doing a hell of a lot less cardio. I’ll go into greater detail in a future article, but for now I would like to discus the impact of a caloric deficit on NEAT – Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis…
…Plus I’ll share some behind the scenes footage of our Pull Workout… and every meal I ate today…
You can see the entire training session here ==> Pull Workout with a Focus on Strength
Once again, it felt great to bump up the weight on most exercises today… even though I’m in a caloric deficit.
The Effect Of Calorie Consumption On NEAT
As I was pondering the reasons why fat loss has been easier for me lately, I came across a blog post by Brad Schoenfeld, which made a light bulb go off in my mind. Here’s the article I’m referencing…
New Study On Protein Overfeeding: A Critical Analysis
Here’s the study by Dr. Jose Antonio that Brad was analyzing…
The effects of consuming a high protein diet (4.4 g/kg/d) on body composition in resistance-trained individuals.
During this 8 week study one of the subject groups consumed 800 extra calories from protein and gained just over three and a half pound of fat free mass, which is freak’n awesome.
Most people would expect to see these subjects gain more weight in the form of body fat during this time period, but as Brad explains… some of the extra calories would be burned through the process of digestion…
…and what really peaked my interested was the insights into the phenomenon where people tend to experience an increase in NEAT when they consume more calories.
Ding, ding, ding!
This caused me to immediately reflect on my past cutting phases where I was way more aggressive with my calorie restriction and cardio protocol.
The strategy obviously worked. I got crazy ripped.
…but I always felt exhausted. My workouts suffered and I felt like I was simply going through the motions. Outside of the scheduled workouts and cardio I basically sat on my ass because I didn’t have energy to do anything else.
This time around my calorie restriction is much smaller and I’m doing next to no cardio other than walking my dog and maybe 1-2 ten minute sprint sessions per week.
I’m definitely putting forth way more effort during my training sessions… which burns more calories than when I was just going through the motions. My strength is still increasing. But more important… my NEAT is definitely waaay higher, because I have waaaay more energy to do fun daily activities with my family and friends.
So, even though I’m eating more and doing less structured cardio… I’m more active throughout the day… and those activities don’t necessarily feel like exercise… it’s just FUN!
My conclusion is that by eating more I’m actually burning more throughout the day.
This is the beauty of the Physique Artist Lifestyle. We’re continuously experimenting with different strategies… using a heightened sense of awareness… and seeing how our body responds to the changes.
It’s fun! It’s an experience. It’s a journey of self-discovery. It’s about embracing the process.
I’m looking forward to expanding more on this topic in future episodes of the Aesthetic Muscle Journal…
…and I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on the subject.
Sculpt a Masterpiece,
Scott Tousignant
About The Author
Scott Tousignant, BHK is a Physique Coach and Elite Natural Bodybuilder with the UFE.
Scott specializes in helping regular men and women sculpt their body into a chiseled work of art.
Viewing training as an art form and your body as a sculpture is a simple shift in mindset that brings out the beauty in your ongoing body transformation.
The art of molding and chiseling an aesthetically pleasing physique with spectacular symmetry, proportions, and carved out detail is one of life’s most rewarding and fulfilling experiences…
…It’s an opportunity for self growth and self discovery that will impact every area of your life.
Learn more about Scott’s physique-focused training programs:
AMPlify Aesthetic Muscle Gains and Strip Away Stubborn Sacks Of Fat with AMP – Aesthetic Muscle Plan
Get a taste of Scott’s hardcore physique training programs with Physique Phreak