I have been inspired by Flavia Del Monte’s recent body sculpting journey, where she went from looking really good at 18% body fat to absolutely stunning at 13% body fat.
It’s amazing to see her before and after photo’s and I knew that she followed her Full-Body-Licious workout program to achieve her spectacular results, but I wanted to get the entire story behind her body sculpting journey…
…After all, I believe that the journey itself is the most rewarding part. Achieving your goal is incredibly rewarding and exciting, but it does compare the the cumulative rewards that are experienced along the way to achieving the goal.
In this interview Flavia reveals some very deep and intimate details about the emotional journey that took place from start to finish. You will discover what inspired her to take her physique to the next level, what her biggest challenges were, how she overcame those challenges, what she enjoyed most about this body sculpting journey, how her mindset has changed, her biggest learning experience, and much more.
This is an information packed interview that you won’t want to miss…
You may also download the 23 minute audio to playback on your mp3 player: Flavia Del Monte Body Sculpting mp3
It’s always great to hear the perspectives from someone else who challenged themselves to sculpt an impressive physique. The body sculpting journey is not always sunshine and rainbows, but for the successful individuals, those tough moments end fairly quickly and they are surrounded with joyful and positive moments that drive you forward.
I loved to hear how Flavia has become fascinated with her body, how she appreciates it, and what sculpting it has done for her mindset. I am certain that we can expect some incredible things from Flavia in the near future. Her drive and passion are contagious and she’s already leaving her mark on the world.
I’m really impressed with Flavia’s Full-Body-Licious workout program. It includes some really powerful and unique exercise combinations to sculpt your body. Make no mistake, this is a very challenging program that will take your physique to the next level.
I hope that you enjoyed this interview and would love to hear your thoughts on the information that we discussed. Please share your feedback in the comment box below.
Sculpt a Masterpiece,
Scott Tousignant